Shoe care Water repellent 300ml
Regular price
Riley's Water Repellent gives protection against liquid and stain. Easy application and work on a variety of footwear in any weather conditions.
Riley's Water Repellent memberikan perlindungan terhadap cairan dan noda. Mudah diaplikasikan dan bekerja untuk berbagai alas kaki dalam kondisi cuaca apa pun.
- 300 ml
- Excellent durability
- Will not alter the look or feel of material
- Colorless
1. Clean your shoes from dust / Bersihkan sepatumu dari debu
2. Shake well, spray direcly from about 20 cm distance / Kocok botol, semprotkan langsung dari jarak 20 cm
3. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes / Biarkan mengering selama 10-15 menit
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