Shoe Care wipes (12 pcs)
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Keep your kicks fresh on the go! Riley's Wipes contain unique formula that ensure effective dirt and stains removing.
Jaga sepatumu tetap segar saat bepergian! Riley's Wipes mengandung formula unik yang mengangkat kotoran dan noda secara efektif.
- Convenient dispenser box
- 12 wipes per box
- Made from naturally-derived ingredients
- Unique and durable dual-textured material
- Superior cleaning ability
Wash hand after use. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Keep out of reach of children. /
Cuci tangan setelah menggunakan. Hindari kontak dengan mata. Jika terkena mata, segera bilas dengan air. Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak.
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